Friday, May 18, 2012

Shoulder to lean on

A big brother will always be there for you when you need them the most.


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to Di Hai, Ba, Tu, Ba Ngoai, and Grandma Miller!


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Permit to Drive

11 years ago my mom gave me this  '99 Honda Accord.  My brother and I drove 14 hours up north from New Orleans to what I now called home.  Josh was only 4 and still sitting in a booster seat.  This same car I drove to work and picked/dropped him off of daycare everyday.  Today when he got in the car, according to the speedometer, it only has a bit over 79,300 miles.  Never thought this same car will have my son driving it.

Josh had his permit on Monday.  He begged to let him drive, so we told him if he knows where the spare tire is, then he can drive down the street and back.  It took him a while to figured where it is.  It scared the bajeek out of Calvin when he backed up.  I'm on the side yelling "Watch out for the trash" as Jonas next to me crying because he wanted to be in the car.

Calvin giving Josh the logistic of how to work the car.  I was informed that he will be teaching him to drive because my impatients will drive Josh crazy.

Jonas patrolling the neighborhood as the man mows the lawn.

He is totally a boy. His pants is filthy dirty.

Another Outdoor Play

Digging a hole for the basketball goal system.

The aftermath of playing with dirt.

Pretending to sleep.

April 20 Turning a Year Older

On this day I turned a year older.  It was a nice relaxing day.  "I" cooked steak and mash potatoes for my family for dinner.  My kind co-worker brought in cookies and donuts, and shipped to my door some nice fresh flowers from my in-laws.

A beautiful card from my dear husband.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

How I dress

This is how he dressed and walked into the birthday party. He presented himself very well.

Trampoline Fun

Burning off some energy before dinner. They had so much fun just jumping on the trampoline.

Poor nose all scratched up after going on the trampoline.

About This Blog

With the fast pace of life, my boys are growing like a weed, and family far away, this blogs provide a glimpse of our lives to share with our loves one.


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