It's a New Year and a great way to start my blog. Instead of having a New Years's resolution, I have a random to-do-list in no particular order in the next 5 years.
Take my husband to Vietnam
Go on a honeymoon without the kids
Get a sports car for my husband
Buy a car for Josh for college
Attend Josh high school graduation
Attend Jonas preschool graduation
Make good use of my serger machine
Learn how to make my own sewing pattern
Learn different crochet and knitting technique
Finding my photography style
Take OCF to the next level
Take Photoshop to the next level
Learn how to make jewelry
Using natural ingredient for cleaning
Learn how to decorate cake
Sew myself a dress
My self portrait
Hang canvases and portrait up on the wall
Have a girl and name her Ella
Have a garden
Organize the homes
Go on a yearly family vacation before Josh leave for college
Blogging more often
Do a 365 project and binding it to an album
Start Jonas baby book
Involve in photo challenges
Go through Josh’s school years work and put in scrapbook
Donate my 10 inch hair to lock of love
Teach my sons to help others without expecting any return
Sign Josh up for community service
Teach Jonas to pick up after himself
Convince Jonas there’s no monster
Break Jonas of his sweet tooth
Getting rid of Jonas's pacifier
Teach Jonas to be polite and loving
Teach Jonas how to read and ride a bike
Teach Josh to conquer independent and ok to make mistake
Refashion my clothes
Refinish front door