Saturday, January 7, 2012

Project 365 - Week 1

This year I decided to do Project 365. I successfully completed week 1. Here are a few of my favorites.  Click on the link "Project 365" on top of the page for more images.

Portrait of my oldest son. He has a kind heart and willing to help others when they need help. I'm proud of him for who he have become.

4/365 Portrait of Joshua

Natural and Pure, my younger son. His imagination takes him into his own little world. This little guy can turn your sorrow face happy again.
5/365 Natural and Pure taken with Lensbaby

Year of 2012 is going to be another great year.
7/365 Year of 2012 is going to be another great year


About This Blog

With the fast pace of life, my boys are growing like a weed, and family far away, this blogs provide a glimpse of our lives to share with our loves one.


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